Friday, 29 May 2009

小女孩 Call In 點歌

















Wednesday, 27 May 2009

至少有一个人想著你、恋著你, 不论做什么事情,





*在某个聚餐的场合, 有人提议多吃点虾子对身体好, 这时候有个中年男人忽然说「十年前,当我老婆还是我的女朋友的时候,她说要吃十只虾,我就剥二十只给她! 现在,如果她要我帮她剥虾壳,开玩笑!我连帮她脱衣服都没兴趣了,还剥虾壳咧!

*听到了吗?明白了吗? 难怪越来越多人只想要谈一辈子的恋爱,却迟迟不肯走入婚姻。
因为,婚姻容易让人变得懒惰. 如果每个人都 懒得讲话、懒得倾听、 懒得制造惊喜、 懒得温柔体贴,那么夫妻或是情人之间, 又怎么会不渐行渐远渐无声呢?


*有一对情侣,相约下班後去用餐、逛街,可是女孩因为公司会议而延误了, 当她冒著雨赶到的时候已经迟到了30多分钟, 他的男朋友很不高兴的说: 你每次都这样,现在我甚么心情也没了, 我以後再也不会等你了! 刹那间,女孩终於决堤崩溃了, 她心里在想:或许,他们再也没有未来了

*同样的在同一个地点,另一对情侣也面临同样的处境; 女孩赶到的时候也迟到了半个钟头,他的男朋友说:我想你一定忙坏了吧! 接著他为女孩拭去脸上的雨水,并且脱去外套盖在女孩身上, 此刻,女孩流泪了, 但是流过她脸颊的泪却是温馨的。

你体会到了吗?*其实爱、恨往往只是在我们的一念之间! 爱不仅要懂得宽容更要及时, 很多事可能只是在於你心境的转变罢了!懂了吗?当有个人爱上你,而你也觉得他不错。那并不代表你会选择他。


*没错,我们总是以为,我们会找到一个自己很爱很爱的人. 可是後来,当我们猛然回首,我们才会发觉自己曾经多么天真。假如从来没有开始,你怎么知道自己会不会很爱很爱那个人呢?

其实,很爱很爱的感觉,是要在一起经历了许多事情之後才会发现的。或许每个人都希望能够找到自己心目中百分之百的伴侣,但是你有没有想过在你身边会不会早已经有人默默对你付出很久了,只是你没发 觉而已呢?所以,还是仔细看看身边的人吧!他或许已经等你很久喽!

*当你爱一个人的时候,爱到八分绝对刚刚好。所有的期待和希望都只有七八分;剩下两三分用来爱自己。如果你还继续爱得更多,很可能会给对方沉重的压力,让彼此喘不过气来, 完全丧失了爱情的乐趣.



*如果你也正在为爱迷惘,或许下面这段话可以给你一些启示: 爱一个人,要了解,也要开解; 要道歉,也要道谢;要认错,也要改错;要体贴,也要体谅;是接受,而不是忍受;是宽容,而不是纵容;是支持,而不是支配;是慰问,而不是质问;是倾诉,而不是控诉;是难忘,而不是遗忘;是彼此交流,而不是凡事交代; 是为对方默默祈求,而不是向对方诸多要求;可以浪漫,但不要浪费;可以随时牵手,但不要随便分手。


Tuesday, 24 February 2009

A very Sad weekend

21.2.2009 was the day that i ever dream of. I was suppose to fly to Kota Kinabalu with my friends to enjoy the nature view and test my stamina for mount climbing. I knew that i may have problem during the climbing stage but i do trust myself that i will reach to the top of the mountain. But... i didn't have the chance to do so. All is faith.. Faith that i shouldn't climb Mount KK now without any preparation, I shouldn't go enjoy my holiday when my uncle is not feeling well.

That week i was having funny feeling. Feeling that i won;t be able to go for holiday. Is either me or my sis cant go for holiday. And it happen to be me. My beloved special someone had gone to somewhere far away from us, somewhere with have no pain no worry but fill with joy and happiness. Is a relief to him but is lose for me. I love him so much and now he has moved to some special place. I feel so lost.

How i wish that time turns back and given me the chance to spend more time to him, bring him around and have long and warm conversation with him. At least we spend time with him. But is too late. I hate myself of being to busy with works, late to reach home and having studies to prepare while working. If that Valentine Day is a free day without exam, i should have spend time with him, bring him for treatment and all this thing wont happen. Regret is all i have in my mind. But what can i do with this regret? Nothing can be done but to treasure the people around us with love and care. Spend to the elderly and spend more time with them before is too late. I love you, Uncle. Free yourself and take care. Love you so much.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008


Lately, i have some funny feeling. I felt lonely but in fact i'm not. Friends are around me and i'm always with my family. I did enjoy hanging out with friends but somehow rather, there is an emptiness in between. Is unexplainable.

As time passed by and one of my friend has actually hit the point, solving my un-reasoning feeling. I'm actually hiding something in myself. That something cant be expressed in any medium or mode. It has been hiding and will do so ever since. I do hope what i feel may come true someday but i was afraid and i dowan it to come true. It hurts. What shall i do? Backing up is all i can think of, and be normal. Doing so and will bury this weird feeling with me forever.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


November!! If i'm still a student i'll be very happy for this month and the month later. Why? Coz its holiday months, full with all sort of holiday packages and sales. But i'll no longer have this mood.

I will be loaded with works up till June and this is normal for working life. But when i overheard that i may not be able to have nice break for my CNY, i felt so down. This coming CNY falls on January and this is the most hectic month for all of us in thios profession. I'll be loaded with works and rushing for tight deadlines in clients' office. Sun will be a strange object for me and i'll be more familiar with moon. I'm really afraid of these. As what my friend said: "We are just a lady with normal vision and mission.". I agreed but i have make choices and have to face the consequences.

All i hope is to be normal - love and to love --> Family, Friends & God, especially this coming 1st peak period.

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Feelings after work....

All these while, everyday is just a normal day for me. I do my stuff, chit chat with my frens and family, plan all sort of activities, etc. I have plenty of time to do things that i like, even if last minute work i still manage to complete it. But, things change right after this day - 1st July 2008.

This was the day where i 1st step into the world of Adult University. Time can be flexible and yet it can be not flexible. Lately have been working so late, and have neglect all my fellow frens. The balances of my time between work, family and friends were not unstable currently, still in the progress of stabilizing it. I feel so sorry to those that i have neglected recently.

As time passed by, I fall in love with Friday Night. This is the time for me to enjoy my life up to Sunday evening. Even if I go back late that night and feel very exhausted, i still feel happy. Coz i know i still have time for myself. The laziness worms that lay inside me always bugging me to go for sweet sleep but the TV program have more control on me. I waited so long to enjoy the movies that i have missed during my working time. I know impossible i can go thru every movie that i missed but at least i manage to release my mild stress.

Saturday is totally a refreshing day for me. I want to do lots of stuff but i couldn't. All of my friends were working. But i dun care, from next week onwards, my dear frens, be aware. ME, tricia, will start bugging you guys, dun reject me ya.. :P coz i love the days after friday but before Sunday evening. hehe..

Sunday, 1 June 2008



  1. 一个普通的朋友从未看过你哭泣。一个真正的朋友有双肩让你的泪水湿尽。
  2. 一个普通的朋友不知道你父母的姓氏。一个真正的朋友有他们的电话在通讯簿上。
  3. 一个普通的朋友会带瓶葡萄酒参加你的派对。一个真正的朋友会早点来帮你准备,为了帮你打扫而晚点走。
  4. 一个普通的朋友讨厌你在他睡了后打来。一个真正的朋友会问为什么现在才打来。
  5. 一个普通的朋友找你谈论你的困扰。一个真正的朋友找你解决你的困扰。
  6. 一个普通的朋友对你的罗曼史感到好奇。一个真正的朋友可以威胁你说出来。
  7. 一个普通的朋友在拜访时,像一个客人一样。一个真正的朋友会打开冰箱自己拿东西。
  8. 一个普通的朋友在吵架后就认为友谊已经结束。一个真正的朋友明白当你们还没打过架就不叫真正的友谊。
  9. 一个普通的朋友期望你永远在他身边陪他。一个真正的朋友期望他能永远陪在你身旁 !